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 Church Plant 

Paradigm Ministries International is driven and constrained by the love, compassion, and urgency of Christ to get the message out to as many people as we can and as quickly as possible. However, there is more too the commission than just planting churches. Following the Resurrection Jesus said to Peter and the other disciples: ". . . do you love me more than these. . . then feed my sheep . . . ." A church is not a building but the people meeting together who comprise the local manifestation of the universal church. As such it is commissioned with the responsibility to equipping and feeding the body. But as with most gatherings a local place is needed to allow for and provide a semblance of continuity, community, and continuance. Paradigm is committed to just that. We not only are committed to planting churches (buildings and people) we plant the seminary of people needed to introduce, further, and continue the work. We, therefore, have developed a ministry of local body plants called One Body Fellowships for those who are like minded as we. We also involve ourselves in planting non-denominational  programs whose major concern is to present Jesus in the clearest possible light.


Our goal is to plant strong communities with all the major superstructure in place which includes building (300 total capacity. We believe that a membership above 300 is too large to be able to maintain a viable camaraderie), a generous endowment of a trust of $1.5 million dollars (to be used for salaries and expenses, and as a trust it will continue to grow annually from interest), and most importantly the seed congregation who has committed to invest themselves in the area as THEY believe they are directed by the Lord. This number will be between 25 and 30 people, who will carry on the work of the ministry and include a pastor, associate, music and youth, and evangelism coordinator.  


If you would like us to consider planting an OBF in your area or assisting you with your own work contact us through the form on the forms page as well as sending us an email alerting us of your desire and intent.

Preliminary Information Request Form

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